This is not an average memorial site. This site was produced with compassion and understanding of what pet loss means.

When I lost Bijou early in 2008 I searched the internet for support and found many pet loss sites. They all fell short of what I needed and wanted. Many weren't really pet loss sites but commercial sites using pet loss as an excuse to sell tacky merchandise. Some gave you space to put up a "free" memorial page but then sent an invoice a week later.
You will not find any of that here. 

I knew I had to do something to help others suffering like I was. The need for a site which combined compassion and information was too great to dismiss. Grief is a widely ignored state of mind especially when it involves a pet. What we offer are interesting stories, advice, support and tools to help with your grief. There are no annoying pop ups, no ads and nothing to distract from the mission of this site which is to help you heal.

It has been expanded to include not only information on losing a pet but interesting, enjoyable information and stories. Afterall we don't want you to leave sad. We may eventually include a section for you to share your own memories with a Precious Pet Postcard.  

Tribute Memorial will remain a work in progress as we constantly add references and information 

In short this is a place where you will feel at home. Bookmark us and stop by often. 

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My Beautiful Bijou